Our Technology

Made from food grade garlic extract

The Science

The active ingredient – Garlic Extract

When mechanical stress is applied to a garlic clove a highly unstable molecule Allicin is produced. Allicin is then converted to a range of organo-sulfur molecules. Ecospray technology enables production of a range of diallyl polysulfides (DAS) with known concentrations of enhanced pesticidal activity.

Complex Mode Of Action

Diallyl polysulfides (DAS) are lipophilic in nature and they can pass through the pest cuticle. Once DAS enter the cell, they react with the cellular low molecular weight (LMW) thiols which cause a cascade of chemical reactions. This results in oxidative stress and eventually, death of the pest.

Nematodes, fungi, insect eggs and larvae are all killed on absorption of polysulfides and the resulting oxidative damage. It is a no return chemical reaction with resistance considered extremely unlikely due to its complex mode of action.

The Nematode Effect

Ecospray Overview

Research & Development

Through extensive research over the last two decades, Ecospray has developed a stabilised formulation of garlic extract containing a defined fingerprint of different polysulfide molecules. It is this achievement that has enabled Nemguard to be registered as a plant protection product within the European Union as well as other territories across the world.

Extensive trials on a range of crops such as carrots, parsnips, potatoes, tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers, aubergines, courgettes and melons has demonstrated efficacy as a soil applied treatment on pathogenic nematodes.

Mode Of Action

Ecospray products are the only ones containing garlic extract to be registered as a plant protection product (PPP) within the European Union.

Made from food ingredient grade garlic extract and with a zero residue profile (after all we eat garlic), they are increasingly a product of choice as part of both residue reduction and anti-resistance strategies.

Efficacy against pathogenic fungi such as Pythium spp., certain Fusarium spp. and Rhizoctonia solani are now being explored along with the impact on a range of insect eggs and larvae. Registrations are now being extended to include impact on soil diseases.

Sustainable crop production

Impact on soil fertility

Too often the need to preserve fertility and the requirements of crop protection have been at opposite ends of a spectrum and seen as often incompatible objectives.

Pathogenic nematodes alone account of $100bn of crop losses alone each year (source: society of nematology 2015). Consequently, the need to protect plant root systems from the damage caused by these pests is crucially important.

Research has demonstrated that use of Ecospray products on soils to suppress nematodes (as well as other pathogens) while enabling crop yield and quality does not have a long term damaging effect on soil health. The product at the right dosage is harmless to beneficial earthworms.

Impact on soil health

This is thought to be as a consequence of beneficial nematodes having a faster recovery cycle compared to pathogenic nematodes. There are also beneficial impacts on soil microbes with research showing a modest increase in soil microbial activity following treatment.

Ecospray products are therefore an important part of a soil health strategy – better, stronger root systems mean plants are better able to withstand stress from pest and disease attack as well stress from as abiotic factors, such as drought and flooding. Soils are more likely to be preserved thus aiding sustainability for the future.

We have developed an extract of garlic as a pesticide in over 20 countries

Ecospray Registrations


We currently hold registrations in 15 countries on a variety of crops. New registrations are being added all the time. Click for a detailed list of crop, territory and product.

Ecospray Distributors


Ecospray have a large network of distributors around the globe. See them here and if you cannot find what you are looking for feel free to contact us.


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Pathogenic nematodes alone account of $100bn of crop losses each year

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